Jan 25, 2023
Attending industry conferences is the smartest avenue to making career connections, learn new technology, sell your skills!
PODFEST EXPO 23 in Orlando provides many opportunities to find a new career.
What’s the Most Important Piece of Equipment you Have?
Are you thinking : Computer, Phone, Vehicle?
What counts most...
Jan 18, 2023
Be the Boss of Your Attitude
We are the engineer of our own lives, our thoughts, feelings and responses to situations, opportunities, challenges and adversities.
Price Pritchett in his digital book “ Hard Optimism” instructs us that we have a choice on how we manage the FOLLOWING:
What is more important?
Jan 4, 2023
You can’t attract what you criticize
Price Pritchett is a leader in corporate change and management techniques. I study his digital books and recordings constantly.
Visit his website and order HARD OPTIMISM and YOU2 ( you squared). $10 each. The best investment you will ever make.
www.pritchettnet.com. Manage your...