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Wealth, Yoga Wine

Feb 22, 2023

Cracking the Code for Women and Men

Mat Bogs shares relationship techniques that are universal in their information.

The reason being is that we all want to have better relationships with our loved ones.  We even want better relationships at work.

Here are the universal truths that he addresses: 

Give Patience, Give...

Feb 15, 2023

  • You Won't believe me but the lessons in this book relate to all facets of relationships in our lives. Matt Boggs is an expert in Love and Relationships regarding  our Personal and Business Lives.  Learn the importance of GIVING, Being PATIENT and more when you read his ebook. He is the CEO of this division, Love...

Feb 8, 2023

Power of pursuit is a dynamic action 

You’ve dreamed many dreams 

The simple secret is pursuit

Churchill- never never never give up

Most of what you dream can be yours; the secret is in the seeking.

You are sending signals to the universe about what you’re willing to receive by what you are...

Feb 1, 2023

Life is prepared to give you a  breakthrough- 

you must take high velocity moves, unconventional risks and recognize that FEAR is natural, Price Pritchett teaches us in his famous teaching YOU2., 

Eddie the Eagle is based on a True Story. 

Price Pritchett’s book  and this film just happen...